Monday, October 5, 2009

Windows Won't Boot!

If you are trying to boot to Windows NT, 2000, or XP and receive any of the following errors:

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

Windows NT could not start because the below file is missing or corrupt:

Windows NT could not start because the below file is missing or corrupt:

NTLDR is Missing
Press any key to restart

Invalid boot.ini
Press any key to restart

Your boot.ini file is missing, corrupted, or has errors in it. The boot.ini file contains a list of the operating systems installed on the hard drive and the boot options associated with those operating systems.

To repair the boot.ini file and get Windows booting again, you must use the Recovery Console. The Recovery Console allows users to perform tasks, using a command line interface(CLI), that will allow Windows to boot again. More on the Recovery Console here.

To use the Recovery Console from an install disk, make sure that your PC is configured to boot to your optical drive(that is a CD or DVD drive) and boot to the install disk.

After Windows Setup has finshed loading, you will be presented with a menu like the following:

This portion of the Setup program prepares Microsoft(R)
Windows(R) XP to run on your computer.
  • To set up Windows XP now, press ENTER
  • To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R
  • To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3

Of course, we want to press 'R' and use the Recovery Console.

Next you will be given a menu asking you to choose which Windows installation to log onto. Enter the number corosponding to the installation that needs to be repaired and press enter. Unless you have more than one operating system installed on your hard drive, you will only be presented with one option.

Now enter the Adminstrator password. If there isn't one, just press enter.

Now type 'cd ..' This will change directories to the root directory.

Next we need to delete the boot.ini file. To do so, the hidden, read only, and system file attributes must be removed. Enter the following commands:

C:\>attrib –h boot.ini
C:\>attrib –r boot.ini
C:\>attrib –s boot.ini

Now we can delete it

C:\>del boot.ini

Next we will use the bootcfg command. We will be using it to rebuild the bad boot.ini file that we just deleted. Read more about bootcfg here.

Enter the following command:

C:\>bootcfg /rebuild

After a few moments, you will see see a list of questions. The anwsers to these questions has been included:

Add installation to boot list? (Yes/No/All): Y
Enter Load Identifier: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition
Enter OS Load Options: /fastdetect /noexecute=optin

Obviously, the load identifier will change depending on which operating system you are working with. For further reading on the /fastdetect option. For more on /noexecute=optin

Your boot.ini file became corrupted somehow. Therefore, you should run the chkdsk utility to repair any errors on the harddrive. Please understand that this can take quite a while if you have a large hard drive or if you have a lot of errors. Enter the command:

C:\>chkdsk /r

Next enter the command:


fixboot writes a new boot sector to the system partition.

That's all. We're done. You can now reboot by typing exit.

If Windows still won't boot, you will have to do a repair installation. More on that in an upcoming post.

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